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Wellness Place International

I am  Nicole Cullinan, a South African-born alternative healthcare professional, who lives and works in the Netherlands. 


I created Wellness Place International. It is a holistic health platform offering a range of modalities: Homoeopathy, Functional medicine, Biofeedback, and wellness education. I have 6 years of formal academic study: a master’s degree, and more than 20 years clinical experience.

a different, holistic approach

Wellness Place International is for both local and ex-pat patients seeking a different yet professional, holistic approach to creating and maintaining health. 


Even though my roots are European, I feel more African. I think that is what makes me different. When you grow up in a place that has plenty of sunshine, open spaces, and raw nature, you look at the world through a larger lens. 


I have always had a partner in Wellness, my husband, Adam Cullinan who is a chiropractor. I share practice space with him and he is the owner of MijnCHIRO. Please follow the link to his website for more about him and to book an appointment, click HERE.


In 2016, we sadly closed our previously established practice of over 10 000 patients in Johannesburg because we had lost hope in South Africa as a home country and feared for the future of our children. When an opportunity arose to work for a large chiropractic concern in the Netherlands we decided to take the plunge, uproot and relocate our family in search of a new stable home. It was a very difficult decision made with our heads and not our hearts. However, here we are, thrilled to provide our services at a new location and doing what we know best.


Are you looking for a different approach to solving a chronic condition?

I offer a unique, highly personalized approach to managing chronic conditions and creating lasting health. I also provide holistic support and education focussed on true prevention and based on the needs of each individual client.​


family values

I am also a mother to two young adults and two fur babies and love spending time walking in nature, especially in 'our communal backyard' the Aanschotse Beemden. Thus the practice is a family-friendly and natural space for all ages from newborn babies, children and teens, adults, and the elderly. 


Are you looking for a practitioner with empathy and experience?

I believe in and use a variety of gentle yet effective and sustainable interventions to help the body to heal itself. I have a compassionate, caring approach and many years of clinical experience in my fields. 


I believe that health comes through awareness, balance, and living in alignment. Everything is connected: for example mind and body, spine and organs, gut and brain, symptom(s), and the underlying cause(s). Human beings furthermore need a connection to nature and our world outside as well as to the community in order to be optimally healthy. I invite you to join my community as a patient, online or in person, my closed FB group Wellness place int community and as a Wise weeds workshop attendee.​


to Wellness Place International, the home of health, YOUR wellness place!


Click the button below for more about me

Health seekers - Are you ready to prioritise your health?


Gentle, holistic and 

personalised wellness care

for the whole family



Working on the root causes of illness and applying  personalised nutrition, supplementation & lifestyle interventions


Analysing imbalances in your bioenergetic field and using frequencies to gain insight and create health



Nature walks and workshops
in Eindhoven


"Nicole has cared for our family for the past eighteen years, helping with new babies, scratches, infections and various other life and health challenges. It is comforting to consult with someone of Nicole's calibre, who listens, remembers, is up to date on research and who always offers a balanced and calming perspective"


Nicole Industry Associations

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