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The Wellness Blog
Sharing experiences, insights, and resources to assist and inspire you on your journey to wellness.
Nicole Dawson Cullinan
5 min read
Mothers! Prioritise your CORE NEEDS to prevent burnout
The in-flight message you hear on an aeroplane just before take-off is particularly pertinent here: 'Before you assist other passengers,...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
3 min read
My smoothies deviate from traditional recipes. I prefer to call them 'power smoothies' - choosing ingredients based on nutrient density.
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4 min read
How to eat a RAINBOW - and the importance of a colourful diet
Do you believe that food can be medicine? Healing elements exist in colourful foods and eating them daily can improve your health &immunity.
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
6 min read
Towards SMART IMMUNITY - isolate the fish or clean the bowl?
Everyone who has ever owned a pet goldfish will understand this analogy. When the fish gets sick, what is the best remedy? Do we isolate...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
2 min read
The Conventional vs. Functional Medicine Approach
The Functional medicine approach is not a one size fits all prescription but instead a bespoke, personalised health plan.
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
5 min read
Food and dietary SUPPLEMENTATION – expensive urine or miracle cure?
Many of us continue to be gripped by fear of getting sick and uncertainty about how to stay healthy. This mindset has been highlighted by...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
2 min read
BUILDING IMMUNITY- Flu' shots from nature
If you like freshly squeezed orange juice, then you are sure to love this drink. This is a citrus explosion that takes classic orange...
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3 min read
Keeping a FOOD & MOOD DIARY to help form better habits
How often do we keep track of what goes into our mouths ... the food, the drinks, the cigarettes? Did you know that using a food diary is...
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5 min read
What are the benefits of ‘GOING ORGANIC’? – is it another expensive, elite food fad?
Why is organic produce more expensive than regular produce? Is it because these products are targeting the ‘foodie elite'?
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